The Blair Composers Forum programs several studio recitals each academic year under the “Living Sounds” series. Currently serving as president of the Forum, Carlos acts as the primary organizer of these concerts which showcase pieces written by Vanderbilt composers. The composers featured range from students with a major in composition, students studying instrumental performance, to students who may even have a primary major outside of Blair but still take lessons with the composition faculty.
On this particular Living Sounds, Carlos’ Eλiptical TrajectΩry will be receiving its first public performance. Written immediately before in-person instruction came to a grinding halt in the Spring 2020 semester, this piece was read in a theory class but has yet to see the stage. The performers giving Eλiptical TrajectΩry its public premiere will be his peers at the Blair School of Music: Alison Wang, Somerset Peede, and Esther Zhu, violas.
Due to Vanderbilt’s ongoing precautions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Blair School of Music performances are only open to Vanderbilt associated students and staff. All concerts, however, are live streamed for the public and a link to that webpage can be found here. On the day of the concert, the feed will be available under “Steve and Judy Turner Recital Hall.”